How Livestreaming can change your content marketing efforts

Did you know that 80% of audiences would rather watch a live video from a brand than read a blog? Or that 82% of people prefer live video to social media posts? In today’s digital age, content marketing has become essential for businesses to engage with their target audience and build brand awareness. However, with the rise of social media and the demand for instant gratification, more than traditional content marketing strategies, such as blog posts and infographics, may be needed to capture and retain your audience’s attention. This is where live streaming is an innovative and dynamic way to connect with your audience in real time. We want to dive in on how live streaming can elevate your content marketing efforts and help you reach your target audience more meaningfully. Whether a small business owner or a marketing professional, read on to discover the benefits of incorporating live streaming into your content marketing strategy.

What is live streaming in content marketing?

Live streaming refers to the real-time broadcast of audio and video content over the internet. In content marketing, live streaming involves using live video to engage with your target audience and deliver valuable information about your products or services. The main advantage of live streaming is that it allows businesses to connect with their audience in real time, creating a more interactive and engaging experience.

Live streaming can take various forms, such as product launches, webinars, interviews, and live events. It enables businesses to showcase their expertise, share their knowledge, and answer questions in real-time, thereby establishing a deeper connection with their audience. Additionally, live streaming allows businesses to repurpose their content by recording and sharing the live video as a replay, which can be accessed by those unable to attend the live event.

How does live streaming work?

Live streaming in content marketing works by sharing real-time audio-visual content over the internet to engage with the audience. The live-streaming process involves several steps to create a seamless experience for the audience.

  • Firstly, the content creator must have the equipment, such as a camera, microphone, and software, to capture and stream the live video. Once the equipment is set up, the content creator can start the live stream through a live streaming platform or social media platform that supports live streaming.
  • During the live stream, the content creator can engage with the audience by responding to comments, answering questions, and providing valuable insights related to the topic. This creates a two-way communication channel that allows the audience to interact with the content creator in real time, making the experience more engaging and interactive.
  • After the live stream, the creator can repurpose the content by editing the video and sharing it as a replay. The replay can be accessed by those who could not attend the live event, thereby extending the reach of the content and providing a valuable resource for the audience.

Live streaming in content marketing allows businesses to leverage the opportunity social media platforms provide to create an interactive and engaging experience for their audience.

Why is live streaming crucial in today's content marketing?

With the rise of social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, it’s easier than ever for businesses to connect with their target audience via live streaming, but the benefits don’t stop there;

Increased engagements

Live streaming is an excellent way to engage with your audience more personally than traditional content marketing methods. When you go live, your audience can interact with you in real-time by asking questions, leaving comments, and sharing their thoughts and experiences.

Builds brand awareness

Live streaming can also be a powerful tool for building brand awareness. For example, a study by Vimeo found that live video generates ten times more comments than pre-recorded videos, indicating that live streaming can significantly affect audience engagement. Going live lets you showcase your brand’s personality and share your story with your audience. This helps to humanize your brand and create a more emotional connection with your audience.

Cost-effective marketing

live streaming is also an incredibly cost-effective marketing tool. Compared to traditional advertising or even producing pre-recorded videos, live streaming requires very little investment in equipment and resources. All you need is a smartphone or camera and an internet connection which makes it perfect for businesses of all sizes, especially those with limited budgets.

Generates leads and drives conversions

Live streaming can also be an effective lead-generation tool. By providing valuable content and engaging with your audience in real time. You can build trust and credibility with your audience. This can lead to increased website traffic, social media engagement, and more conversions.

Provides valuable analytics

Live streaming provides valuable analytics that can help businesses understand their audience better. By tracking metrics like views, engagement, and watch time, companies can gain insights into what content resonates with their audience and adjust their content marketing efforts accordingly.

By incorporating live streaming into your content marketing strategy, you can create a more personal and meaningful connection with your audience and, ultimately, grow your business.

Tips to getting it right when live streaming

  1. Plan ahead: as with any content marketing effort, planning ahead when live streaming is essential. This includes choosing a topic, preparing necessary materials or equipment, and creating a script or outline for the stream. Planning ahead ensures that the stream runs smoothly and engages your audience.
  2. Choose the right platform: many different platforms are available for live streaming, each with its strengths and weaknesses. Therefore, choosing the right platform based on your audience and the content you will be streaming is essential. Some popular platforms for live streaming include YouTube, Facebook Live, and Twitch.
  3. Notify your audience ahead of time: to ensure that your audience is aware of the live stream and has time to plan to attend, it is crucial to notify them well in advance. This can be done through email marketing, social media, or other promotional channels.
  4. Be direct and concise: when live streaming, your messaging must be straightforward and concise. This means getting to the point quickly and avoiding tangents or unnecessary information. This will help keep your audience engaged and prevent them from losing interest.
  5. Repurpose footage for maximum effect: Don’t let the footage go to waste once the live stream is over. Repurpose it for other content marketing efforts, such as creating shorter clips for social media or embedding the full stream on your website. This will help maximize the impact of your live stream and reach a wider audience.

When you think of a highly effective marketing tool, you should think of live streaming because it targets the audience and promotes your brand.


As live streaming in content marketing continues to grow, staying up-to-date with the latest trends and best practices is essential. By incorporating live streaming into your content marketing strategy and following these tips, you can take your marketing efforts to the next level and achieve even greater success. So, feel free to try live streaming and see how it can enhance your content marketing efforts.

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