Zero to Hero: How to take your brand’s content writing to the next level!

Content writing is at the center of all marketing campaigns. Without it, your brand’s name will be lost in the fray.

The ability to create high-quality content begets an equal amount of responsibility, so why do only a hand-few businesses invest in quality content? Especially since content writing is the foundation of your brand’s reputation that helps increase traffic and brings in more customers.

What is content writing?

You can receive various definitions of content writing services, but it all depends on who you ask.

Some will tell you it means copywriting or plain old advertising copy. Others say it means creating and editing blog posts or web pages. Still, others may say it means creating an eBook or short story. And then some believe that content writing is all about journalism or even business writing!

The truth is that all of these definitions are correct in some ways but incomplete in others. Content writing can be any of these things or more, depending on your goals and objectives.

Content writing is the process of creating and sharing a digital asset. It includes the research, creation, and production of digital assets. Content writing is essential to marketing because it promotes your business online. This can be done through blogs, websites, social media profiles, newsletters, and more.

Why is content writing important to brands?

Content writing is a vital part of a successful digital marketing strategy. It’s about creating and distributing valuable information to your target market to drive awareness, engagement, and sales.

Content has been described as “information that your customers find useful,” so why not embrace this definition? Content writing is a vital part of your digital marketing strategy for these reasons:

     1. Trust building

People don’t trust things they can’t relate to. For example, when trying to persuade someone to buy something or do something, you need to make them feel like they’re hearing your message from someone they know and trust.

This is why testimonials are so powerful — they give people a real-life example of how they’ve benefited from the product or service in question.

The same goes for blog posts — if you have a blog with over 100k+ followers on Twitter and Facebook, sharing an insight or opinion that relates directly to their lives will make them feel connected with you and your brand.

      2. It helps build authority

When someone finds out about you for the first time, it’s often because of what other people have said about you — especially if those people are famous! Having lots of people refer back to the content you created for your brand establishes you as an authority in the field.

      3. It builds brand equity.

Blog content increases your brand’s transparency, which in turn, helps with brand equity. This means that as people begin to identify with a company or product, they will be more likely to purchase it in the future.

      4. To Create a target audience.

A content writing strategy can help grow your email list by providing valuable information about your brand and its products. The more you provide helpful information to consumers, the more they will want to interact with your brand and subscribe to email notifications.

The best fit: what type of content writing is best for your specific needs?

No matter what field you’re in, content always needs to be created. This can be blog posts, press releases, sales pages, or anything really — the list is endless. So how do you choose what type of content to create and publish?

(a) Blog Posts

Blog posts are the backbone of any successful content writing strategy. They provide a consistent stream of high-quality content that can be shared across various channels and is still relevant to your target audience.

For example, if you’re running a startup and want to raise money, you might write about how startups should use social media or how small businesses should create a Facebook page. “How to” blog posts effectively get your work noticed by your target audience.

(b) Copywriting (copies)

Copywriting is a type of writing that uses strong and persuasive language to inform, persuade, or entertain. It may be used on its own to describe products and services, but it can also be used in other writing formats.

Copywriting is one of the most essential parts of any business and leads you to customers who ultimately purchase your product or service. Omsom’s first-page copy is entertaining and persuading enough without being pushy. Plus, the catchiness of the phrase makes your audience likely to remember it.


an example of copywriting done right


(c) Product reviews

Product reviews are a pivotal way to assuage consumer concerns. These reviews are feedback from customers featured on your website, so prospective customers can see what others say about your product. Because the reviews are often written by other customers, it inspires trust, and future customers can determine if they want to buy your product.


(d) How-to's

A how-to guide is an informative piece of writing that informs readers of a product’s process from beginning to completion. Simply put, it is an instructional piece that educates readers on the product/service your business offers and how it can be used.

How Yale appliance uses "how-to_ guides to draw in audience

This “how-to” guide by Yale Appliance shows readers how to go about their kitchen appliance project; from contractors to sizing, pricing, and installation. It is a complete guide in itself that targets its audience perfectly.


(e) Case studies

The aim of a case study in content writing is to inspire trust in consumers. A case study is a content form distributed by businesses regarding their success in resolving a client’s issue. Case studies enable customers to see accurate time information on how the products work and if the company in question has handled similar problems.


Tips for creating the best-written content for your brand

1. Having an established goal:  An end goal is essential because it helps you to stay focused on a specific goal and drive toward it. If you’re writing content without a particular goal in mind, then it’s very likely that you will write something that doesn’t really represent your brand’s vision.

So, for example, if we had no goal when creating this post, it would have been impossible for us to produce something as structured as this one. Animalz even has a guideline they use to structure each post before, during, and after each writing process. So when creating content for your brand, ensure every piece has a single focus point or main idea.

2. Work with facts: The best content is the most honest. It doesn’t try to manipulate the reader into thinking a certain way, and it doesn’t hide behind a veil of jargon. Instead, it is accurate, and it tells a story. Writing is about creating compelling stories to engage your audience, but facts help support your arguments.

For as long as we have followed Microsoft, most of the content they create is backed up by facts. While this might result from the nature of the products they produce, technical experts know they can visit the Microsoft website and gain accurate knowledge and insight into their field.

3. Pain points matter: Using pain points to create content that resonates with your audience is an effective way to engage with them. You can think of each pain point as a way to connect with your customers or readers, show empathy and encourage them to engage with you by sharing your content.

In addition, you can create content that helps solve those problems by identifying their pain points. This will help you stand out from the competition, increase sales and build a loyal following of customers who trust you to solve their problems.

4. Write for the average joe: A great brand is a combination of everything. It’s not just your logo; it’s how you talk to people and give them something to talk about. A great blog post creates a community, engages readers, and provides value. Creating clear and concise writing will help you achieve these goals.

5. Use catchy intros and subheadings: One of the most common mistakes people make when writing content is using bland, run-of-the-mill titles and subheadings. They’re also one of the most common tools for copywriters worldwide and have been for years. But they aren’t always practical.

In fact, they can actually hurt your chances of getting more people to click on your article by making it less exciting and engaging. You know instantly if you’ve ever read an article with a boring title or subheading. It’s unmemorable, hard to read, and just plain dull.

That’s why many writers like using catchy intros and subheadings to help improve their articles’ interest factors so that more people will want to read them.



To increase your brand’s level of content writing, you can either hone up in-house writing or outsource to a content writing agency like Kaku.

The best part about outsourcing your content writing is that, unlike in-house writers who may have limited knowledge about what they are writing, outsourced writers can come up with unique and fresh ideas that will help improve your brand image, credibility, and sales.

Content writing services are one of the most critical functions of a company. This is because it allows your company to generate awareness about its brand, products, and services.

Creating content for your business is not easy. It requires you to be creative; you must write down what you want to say and then translate it into a written form that others can easily understand.


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